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Archives par mot-clé : Valensole
A note on William of Occam
Flying Saucer Review – Vol. 14, n°2, March-April 1968
When re-reading the literature on the Valensole case, I came across a comment by our friend René Fouéré[1] on a phrase of mine in my first Valensole report, where I said that M. Masse’s account of the disappearance of the machine on the spot… “suggested a manipulation of Space-Time far beyond our most advanced knowledge in matters of Physics at the present time”, and that such sightings… “would perhaps explain the fact that the Minitrack optical networks have never photographed the approach of a UFO in circumterrestrial space. Continuer la lecture →
Publié dans 1968, Classement par revue, Classement thématique, Flying Saucer Review, Méthode scientifique, critique du scientisme, Ses écrits, Société, histoire, économie, politique, Soucoupes volantes
Marqué avec Extraterrestre, hypothesis, Occam, ovnis, soucoupe volante, Space-Time, UFO, Valensole
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