Archives par mot-clé : unconscious

The artichoke train

Atlas – Air France n°72 – June 1972
— My dear Diogenes, you should thank me. It’s been one year now since I started examining your case. It’s very clear to me. Not only can I tell you what’s going on in there (his index-finger was screwing an invisible bolt into his temple) but I know how to improve your condition.
— Really? I asked with genuine interest, looking more closely at my interlocutor. He was a sad-looking man in his fifties, piteously shaking with nervous twitches. He just could not stop putting his hat on and taking it off. Continuer la lecture

Publié dans 1972, Atlas Air France, Philosophie, Psychologie, psychanalyse, conscience | Marqué avec , , | Commentaires fermés sur The artichoke train