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Archives par mot-clé : Flying Saucer Review
The Valensole Affair
Flying Saucer Review – Vol. 11, n°6, November 1965
You have learned the essential details of the Valensole affair from the excellent text of G.C. who investigated the case on behalf of G.E.P.A. There are one or two small details which need correcting, such as the distance being 90 metres instead of 80, and the fact that M. Masse approached the machine across a vineyard, and not a field of lavender, like this… Continuer la lecture →
Publié dans 1965, Classement par année, Classement par revue, Flying Saucer Review, Ses écrits, Soucoupes volantes
Marqué avec évolution, Extraterrestre, Flying Saucer Review, ovnis, soucoupe volante, UFO, vie extra-terrestre
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