Archives par mot-clé : Flying Saucer

Do flying saucers originate from Mars?

Flying Saucer Review Vol.6, N°2, March-April 1960
The opposition of Mars in November, 1958, stands out in the history of astronomy as one of the most important discoveries of the human mind. Indeed, it was during this opposition that for the first time an official scientist was able to record during an experiment the existence of life on another planet. Continuer la lecture

Publié dans 1960, Classement par année, Classement par revue, Classement thématique, Flying Saucer Review, Futurologie, vie dans l'univers, pensée suprahumaine, Ses écrits, Soucoupes volantes | Marqué avec , , , , , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Do flying saucers originate from Mars?