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Archives de catégorie : Flying Saucer Review
An enigmatic figure of the XVIIth century
Flying Saucer Review – Vol. 18, n°2, March-April 1972
Every ufologist who intends not to forego his curiosity exposes himself to two opposite dangers: namely, of taking a UFO for something else, and of taking something else for a UFO.
These dangers are especially menacing when we are dealing with ancient events for which we have no other resort but History. There are certain of these facts however that are so extraordinary that it is difficult to avoid being fascinated by them. I will relate one of them here, briefly and with little documentation, leaving it to competent historians to answer the problems to which it gives rise, if that be possible and if indeed those problems exist. Continuer la lecture →
Publié dans 1972, Classement par année, Classement par revue, Classement thématique, Flying Saucer Review, Ses écrits, Société, histoire, économie, politique, Soucoupes volantes, Spiritualité et religion
Marqué avec histoire, mystique, ovnis, Religion, UFO
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