Archives de catégorie : Flying Saucer Review

The Problem of Non-Contact

Flying Saucer Review – Special Issue “The Humanoids”, October-November 1966
In this article, I shall take the word contact not in the restricted sense used by Gordon Creighton — a brief and limited intellectual exchange between a few individuals — but rather in the basic sense of an exchange as complete as possible between communities, at all levels and in all imaginable fields. The contact to which I refer is, for example, that which exists between two peoples whose countries are members of the United Nations Organisation. Continuer la lecture

Publié dans 1966, Classement par année, Classement par revue, Classement thématique, Flying Saucer Review, Ses écrits, Soucoupes volantes, Textes publiés dans des livres collectifs | Marqué avec , , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur The Problem of Non-Contact