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Archives de catégorie : Flying Saucer Review
Of men, cats and Magonia
Flying Saucer Review – Vol. 16, n°5, September-October 1970
Sir; I read Luis Schönherr’s article Observations of a Sceptical Believer (FSR Vol. XVI, No. 3, p. l6) to my cat. He liked it very much.
“Excellently reasoned”, said the cat, “and the proof of this is that I myself reason in the same manner. I too have reflected and I too have found three possible reasons. I have reflected on the incomprehensible behaviour of mankind, and I have found three reasons to explain it.” Continuer la lecture →
Publié dans 1970, Biologie (comportement animal, évolution), Classement par année, Classement par revue, Classement thématique, Flying Saucer Review, Futurologie, vie dans l'univers, pensée suprahumaine, Méthode scientifique, critique du scientisme, Ses écrits, Soucoupes volantes
Marqué avec communication, évolution, Extraterrestre, Intelligence, soucoupe volante, UFO, vie extra-terrestre
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